The final series in A-Team Raceway is Extreme Off-Road Racing! For this series, the possibilities for vehicle designs are (almost) limitless!
Materials that are allowed:
Let the final race begin!
- Your car must have wheels that move/spin freely.
- You may not give your vehicle any type of push.
- Any cars that flip or roll over will be disqualified from the race.
- You may not use a pre-made kit.
- Your car may not have a motor.
- Your car has to be able to race on the ramp and the hill.
- Aside from hot glue, tape, legos, rubber bands, and pasta, you need to provide your own materials.
Materials that are allowed:
- Pasta
- Legos
- Plastic bottles
- Straws
- Skewers
- Balloons
- CDs
- Cardboard
- Tape
- Bottle caps
- Nature items
- Recycled items
- Hot glue (3 per group, unless you buy your own)
- Rubber bands
- Other materials can be approved upon request
Let the final race begin!